I have several different formats to choose from in the non-fiction category, from personal essays to newspaper, magazine articles and op-ed pieces. A good number have to deal with education, a special interest of mine, as I'm a teacher.
Masters Thesis:
There is a sad story behind how the racist views of the Chinese were solidified in the minds of Americans in the late 19th and 20th centuries, despite the important role they played in building the transcontinental railroad, for example. This process, however, was more complex than one might imagine, and Protestant missionaries played a key role. For history geeks like me, you might want to check out the thesis I wrote for my masters degree to find out more.
Images of the Chinese As Presented in American Protestant Missionary Periodicals, 1905 - 1915
Obviously, problems exist in the public schools that need to be addressed, but there is a movement afoot to undermine them, not reform them. Read about how corporate interest and voucher advocates are leading the charge to effectively end the public school system as we know it.
How Education Saved Me and Bill Gates Stole My Classroom ...Chapter Two (Excerpt)
Masters Thesis:
There is a sad story behind how the racist views of the Chinese were solidified in the minds of Americans in the late 19th and 20th centuries, despite the important role they played in building the transcontinental railroad, for example. This process, however, was more complex than one might imagine, and Protestant missionaries played a key role. For history geeks like me, you might want to check out the thesis I wrote for my masters degree to find out more.
Images of the Chinese As Presented in American Protestant Missionary Periodicals, 1905 - 1915
Obviously, problems exist in the public schools that need to be addressed, but there is a movement afoot to undermine them, not reform them. Read about how corporate interest and voucher advocates are leading the charge to effectively end the public school system as we know it.
How Education Saved Me and Bill Gates Stole My Classroom ...Chapter Two (Excerpt)
Personal Essays:
The Last Shot
Every Man is an Addict
Waiting For Thoreau
Snip, Snip
Articles and Commentaries:
Commentary: In Defense of Teachers, Michigan Radio, March 10, 2011
Annual Evaluations Can Be Frustrating For Teachers, South Lyon Herald, August 27, 2014.
Kindred: Find Solutions, Not Scapegoats, To Problems, South Lyon Herald, February 5, 2015.
Teachers Keep Busy As Part of South Lyon Community, South Lyon Herald, June 30, 2015.
We Already Know What it Takes to Train Great Teachers, Michigan Radio, March 30, 2015
High School Teacher: Republican Attacks on Public Education are Bearing Rotten Fruit, Michigan Radio, June 8, 2017
Kindred: Proposed Social Studies Standards are Terrible, Michigan Radio, June 15, 2018
It's Time to Get from Data as Foe to Data as Friend, NWEA Blog, March 3, 2020
I'll Start My 28th Year Teaching in a Few Weeks, But Will I Survive It?, Michigan Radio, August 10, 2020
Social Studies Teachers Struggle to Explain President Trump, Michigan Radio, January 14, 2021.
How to Teach in Deeply Divided Times, NWEA Blog, March 25, 2021.
Four Ways Covid-19 Made Education Better, NWEA Blog, May 19, 2021.
Keith Kindred: Effort to Ban CRT in Public Schools is Misguided, Michigan Radio, November 1, 2021
Teachers Need Those Who Support Them to Start Showing It, Michigan Radio, March 19, 2022
Kindred: ChatGPT not likely to fool or replace teachers just yet, Michigan Radio, March 3, 2023